Deep dive into the Executive MBA experience

Why this Masterclass series?

Simply to get a taste of what it feels like to be enrolled in an Executive MBA.  

Thanks to our excellent professor we let you to deep dive into Meta topics that could help you in your day to day of being an Executive.

You will approach forward-looking and topical themes that will open your mind, get you great value and feel like what it's to be enrolled in an Executive MBA.

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Get a taste of what it feels like to be enrolled in an Executive MBA through a series of 5 Masterclasses. 

Dive into our series of 5 Masterclasses dedicated to specific topics to help you navigate all the Meta topics that might be seen during an Executive MBA.

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Masterclass series

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Episode 5 will be replanned


De Bac + 2 ou équivalent et minimum 5 ans d'expérience professionnelle













Episode 5 needs to be replanned

11:00 AM (Paris time)

Get a taste of what it feels like to be enrolled in an Executive MBA through a series of 5 Masterclasses.

Dive into our series of 5 Masterclasses dedicated to specific topics to help you navigate all the Meta topics that might be seen during an Executive MBA. 

Masterclass series

11:00 AM (Paris time)

Episode 5 needs to be replanned



Why this Masterclass series?

Simply to get a taste of what it feels like to be enrolled in an Executive MBA.  

Thanks to our excellent professor we let you to deep dive into Meta topics that could help you in your day to day of being an Executive.

You will approach forward-looking and topical themes that will open your mind, get you great value and feel like what it's to be enrolled in an Executive MBA.

Thomas GAUTHIER, professor at emlyon business school and Sustainable Futures course director. The Sustainable Futures course is featured in the core curriculum of Grande école, international MBA, and executive MBA students.

My research focuses on organizational anticipation, decision-making, and action in uncertain environments. I am also studying how companies may contribute to building a “fertile” future, which would be resourceful, resilient, and inclusive.

In 2020 I published Prospective : Anticiper, décider et agir dans l'incertitude (EPFL Press). This book compiles several years of research, teaching, and facilitation of strategic foresight initiatives.

Today I am regularly invited by companies, non-profit organizations, international organizations, etc to help their leadership team make sense and establish a fruitful position in those unprecedented contextual environments they are dealing with.

#EP1/5 - Safeguarding the future

How to get corporate strategy to engage with the Anthropocene?

#EP1/5 - Safeguarding the future

Thomas GAUTHIER, professor at emlyon business school and Sustainable Futures course director. The Sustainable Futures course is featured in the core curriculum of Grande école, international MBA, and executive MBA students.

My research focuses on organizational anticipation, decision-making, and action in uncertain environments. I am also studying how companies may contribute to building a “fertile” future, which would be resourceful, resilient, and inclusive.

In 2020 I published Prospective : Anticiper, décider et agir dans l'incertitude (EPFL Press). This book compiles several years of research, teaching, and facilitation of strategic foresight initiatives.

Today I am regularly invited by companies, non-profit organizations, international organizations, etc to help their leadership team make sense and establish a fruitful position in those unprecedented contextual environments they are dealing with.

How to get corporate strategy to engage with the Anthropocene?

#EP3/5 - Marketing

Lionel SITZ holds a PhD in Management Sciences and am qualified to supervise research (HDR). He is interested in anything related to consumer behavior and I teach various audiences such as ESC, MBA, etc.

His teachings mainly focus on branding, consumer behavior, sociology and anthropology of consumption.

His research interests include, among other things, brands and their status in our contemporary culture, lifestyles in a connected society, consumer passions, and the relationship between ethnicity and consumption. He draws from various social sciences (sociology, anthropology, etc.) and uses different methods (ethnography, videography, etc.) in my research.

Lionel SITZ

Lionel SITZ

Is marketing dead? Value creation in times in crisis 


Safeguarding the future: How to get corporate strategy to engage with the Anthropocene? 

#EP1 from November 23st

Watch the replay!

#EP2/5 - Corporate Governance

Petez WIRTZ, research professor at emlyon business school and Corporate Governance course director. The Corporate Finance & Governance course is featured in the core curriculum of executive MBA students.

His research focuses on issues of corporate (and more broadly speaking organizational) governance. His fields of interest are corporate governance (its institutionalization in various settings, its linkage with financial behavior, as well as its relation to the creation of value), and entrepreneurial finance and governance.

In 2019, he published « Les meilleures pratiques de gouvernance d'entreprise » (Ed. La Découverte). This book proposes a critical appraisal of corporate governance codes of best practice: their benefits, potential shortcomings, and the way to overcome these.

Recent publications to which he contributed with co-authors in 2022 are “What drives the active involvement in business angel groups? The role of angels' decision-making style, investment-specific human capital and motivations” in Journal of Corporate Finance, and " Kicking off the corporate governance lifecycle: Seed funding, venture capital and the nascent board" in British Journal of Management. 

From scandal to value creation

Petez WIRTZ, research professor at emlyon business school and Corporate Governance course director. The Corporate Finance & Governance course is featured in the core curriculum of executive MBA students.

His research focuses on issues of corporate (and more broadly speaking organizational) governance. His fields of interest are corporate governance (its institutionalization in various settings, its linkage with financial behavior, as well as its relation to the creation of value), and entrepreneurial finance and governance.

In 2019, he published « Les meilleures pratiques de gouvernance d'entreprise » (Ed. La Découverte). This book proposes a critical appraisal of corporate governance codes of best practice: their benefits, potential shortcomings, and the way to overcome these.

Recent publications to which he contributed with co-authors in 2022 are “What drives the active involvement in business angel groups? The role of angels' decision-making style, investment-specific human capital and motivations” in Journal of Corporate Finance, and " Kicking off the corporate governance lifecycle: Seed funding, venture capital and the nascent board" in British Journal of Management. 

#EP2/5 - Corporate Governance

From scandal to value creation



#EP2 of Wednesday, February 1st

Corporate governance: from scandal to value creation

Watch the replay!

#EP4/5 - Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

In this fourth episode, Hans tried to answer this question "Is CSR – just another buzzword or a fundamental challenge of business models? Is CSR a challenge of companies’ ability to operate, compete, and attract talent, investors, and customers?"

If yes, what are goals, what is the purpose of CSR? Do we have:

  • here the good, responsible companies and
  • there the bod ones, the irresponsible firms? 

What are best practices? Companies which can inspire?

He mainly teaches international negotiation in Master, Specialized Master, International MBA and Executive MBA programs.

His research focuses on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and more specifically on CSR communication and the implementation of a CSR strategy.

Using qualitative approaches, he analyzes annual reports, CSR reports and any other document issued by companies to communicate their social and environmental impact. 


Lionel SITZ

Is CSR – just another buzzword or a fundamental challenge of business models? 

#EP3 of Thursday, March 16th

Is marketing dead? Value creation in times in crisis.

In this fourth episode, we will try to answer this question "Is CSR – just another buzzword or a fundamental challenge of business models? Is CSR a challenge of companies’ ability to operate, compete, and attract talent, investors, and customers?"

If yes, what are goals, what is the purpose of CSR? Do we have:

  • here the good, responsible companies and 
  • there the bod ones, the irresponsible firms? 

What are best practices? Companies which can inspire?

I mainly teach international negotiation in Master, Specialized Master, International MBA and Executive MBA programs.

My research focuses on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and more specifically on CSR communication and the implementation of a CSR strategy.

Using qualitative approaches, I analyze annual reports, CSR reports and any other document issued by companies to communicate their social and environmental impact.

Lionel SITZ

#EP4/5 - Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Is CSR – just another buzzword or a fundamental challenge of business models?


#EP5/5 - Leadership

Professor-researcher in strategic human resources management and organization.
Her research work focuses on corporate HRM strategies, the specificities of human capital, the transformation of work and the internal dynamics of employee motivation at work.

Fabienne AUTIER

Is CSR – just another buzzword or a fundamental challenge of business models? 

Let's talk about Leadership!

I am Fabienne Autier, professor-researcher in leadership at emlyon and looking forward to meeting you on June 22


Professor-researcher in strategic human resources management and organization.
Her research work focuses on corporate HRM strategies, the specificities of human capital, the transformation of work and the internal dynamics of employee motivation at work.

#EP5/5 - Leadership

Fabienne AUTIER

Let's talk about Leadership!

I am Fabienne Autier, professor-researcher in leadership at emlyon and looking forward to meeting you on June 22

He holds a PhD in Management Sciences and am qualified to supervise research (HDR). He is interested in anything related to consumer behavior and I teach various audiences such as ESC, MBA, etc.

His teachings mainly focus on branding, consumer behavior, sociology and anthropology of consumption.

His research interests include, among other things, brands and their status in our contemporary culture, lifestyles in a connected society, consumer passions, and the relationship between ethnicity and consumption. He draws from various social sciences (sociology, anthropology, etc.) and uses different methods (ethnography, videography, etc.) in my research.

#EP3/5 - Marketing

Is marketing dead? Value creation in times in crisis

Lionel SITZ

Watch the replay!

Watch the replay!

#EP4 of Thursday, May 11th

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)